Scientists of the department are in the TOP 2% of the most cited scientists in the world

Two scientists of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology – Professor Volodymyr Lushchak and Associate Professor Oleh Lushchak have got on the TOP 2% of the most cited, so the most influential, scientists in their fields in 2024. It is worth noting that they occupy such high positions in the world ranking for the fourth year in a row. Citation impact (the number of references made by other researchers to an author’s scientific articles) is an indicator that demonstrates how visible and interesting the scientific research of a certain author is to other researchers in the field. In particular, researchers cite other articles to further confirm their scientific results, ideas and hypotheses.

In total, more than 100 scientists from all over Ukraine were included in the rating, and their list is headed by Professor of the Precarpathian University Volodymyr Lushchak for the fourth time. According to the Scopus scientometric database, Professor Volodymyr Lushchak has more than 11,023 citations, 234 indexed publications and a Hirsch citation index of 48. Associate Professor Oleh Lushchak has more than 5,224 citations, 148 indexed publications and the citation index of 40.

The annual ranking of scientists by the level of their work citation is compiled by Stanford University researchers and analysts of Elsevier publishing house and research intelligence company SciTech Strategies. The rating is based on the analysis of about 7 million profiles of scientists in the scientometric database Scopus, from which more than 217,000 of the most cited scientists were selected.

We congratulate our scientists and are proud of their high achievements!