Laboratory of Animal Metabolism

Laboratory of animal metabolism provides access to the facilities that enable research in experimental biology, including toxicological studies and studies on animal metabolism

The facilities of the Animal metabolism laboratory at the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology allow studying metabolism of different model organisms (yeast, fruit flies, mice, fishes, and plants) using conventional spectrophotometric and fluorometric measurements. Main metabolic parameters which are assessed in the laboratory: indices of the intensity of free radical processes; parameters of energy metabolism (mitochondrial respiration, content of important metabolites (glucose, glycogen, triacylglycerides, cholesterol, lactate, etc.); activity of enzymes involved of metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids; hematological and biochemical parameters of blood and indicators of the immune status. The laboratory also has -80 °C freezer which allows storing samples. It also has polarographic sensor to assess operation of mitochondrial respiratory chain and mitochondrial membrane transporters. Several microtomes, including cryotome, allow making thin tissue sections for histological and immunohistochemical analyses. There is also equipment for immunoblotting and multiple types of electrophoresis (denaturing and native). Fluorescent imager and different microscopes allow using fluorescent antibodies or fluorophores (such as MitoTracker, MitoSOX, Fluo-2AM) for observation of live cells. There are also thermocyclers for polymerase chain reaction, including real time polymerase chain reaction. Laboratory maintains 18 °C and 25 °C fruit fly rooms and vivarium for mice.

Our areas of expertise include:
• Nonenzymatic processes in vivo (free radical oxidation and glycation)
• Molecular mechanisms of aging and anti-aging interventions;
• Brain metabolism and aging
• Nutrition, dietary manipulations and regulation of metabolism, molecular mechanisms of metabolic and other disturbances such as obesity and metabolic syndrome
• Molecular mechanisms of organisms’ adaptation to environmental stresses;
• Mechanisms of action of xenobiotics

• Biochemical analyses: Semi-automatic chemistry analyzer DR-7000D, Mindray BS-240 clinical chemistry analyzer;
• Centrifuges: Eppendorf Mini Spin centrifuge, Eppendorf 5415-R centrifuge, Microfuge 20R centrifuge;
• Spectrophotometry and fluorometry: Shimadzu RF-5301PC spectrofluorophotometer, HiPo MPP-96 microplate photometer, Spekol 211, BioPhotometer 6131 UV/Vis, DeNovix DS11-FX+ spectrophotometer/fluorometer;
• Polarography: Strathkelvin SI782 Single/Dual Channel Meter for dissolved oxygen, Strathkelvin MT200 respirometer cell, Strathkelvin 1302 microcathode oxygen electrode;
• Polymerase chain reaction: Agilent AriaMx Real-time PCR System, Thermo Fisher Scientific SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler; ABI 9700 GeneAmp PCR System (382 wells), DNA/RNA UV-cleaner box UVT-S-AR;
• Histology: Cryostat Microtome, HY-3500 Semi Automatic Rotary Microtom, Paraffin wax filling station complete with cooling plate;
• Immunoblotting and electrophoresis: Amersham E-C vertical gel-electrophoresis apparatus, Pharmacia Biotech, BioRad, iBlot Gel Transfer System;
• Microscopy and imaging: Luminescent microscope Micromed Evolution LUM LS-8530, Light microscope (Micromed XS-5510), ZOE™ Fluorescent Cell Imager;
• Freezers: ULUF 450-2M Ultra Low Temperature Freezer, Low-temperature refrigerator HTN-10;
• pH-meters: pH meter 150 MI, pH meter OHAUS AB23PH, portable pH meter;
• Balances: analytical balance RADWAG AS220R2, torsion scales TW 2, electric scales (AXIS, VTU 210);
• Equipment for the diagnostics of non-communicable diseases: Senssun iFit ultrasonic body fat meter, OMRON body fat meter, Glucometers/Lipidometers (Lipidocare), OMRON tonometers, Eximab digital thermometers, Scale with height meter TVE1-200-100, Digital scales OMRON, Portable electrocardiograph Kardial mobile, FlowMIR spirometer, Pulse oximeters, Portable quantitative immunofluorescence analyzer AFC-1000 for C-reactive protein, Portable ELISA express analyzer FiA 8000 for glycated hemoglobin.
• Other equipment for sample preparation: mini-shaker 3-D Biosan, Vortex mixers, magnetic stirrers, thermostat TC-80, distillers, binocular microscope, equipment for anesthesia and dissection of mice and fruit flies; single-channel and multi-channel automatic pipette dispensers (Eppendorf, BRANDTECH, ACCUMAX, Gilson, Thermo Fisher Scientific), water baths TB 110 and PolyScience