Professor Maria Bayliak was an opponent at two Ph.D. defenses

The Head of the Department, Maria Bayliak, served as an opponent in two meetings of the Specialized Academic Councils for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty «091 – Biology and Biochemistry».

On May 20, Volodymyr Karavan’s dissertation “The influence of diet on stress biomarkers in Apis mellifera” was defended online at the meeting of the one-time specialized academic council of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (supervisor: Iryna Panchuk, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor).

On May 21, a public defense of Bohdan Kotyk’s dissertation on “Biochemical features of the effect of ethylthiosulfanylate and vitamin E on metabolic processes in rats under the influence of Cr(VI)” was held offline at a meeting of the one-time specialized scientist of the Institute of Animal Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (supervisor: Ruslana Iskra, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv).