Students were awarded diplomas at the conference “Innovations in Medicine and Pharmacy”

On March 28–30, our students took part in the 93rd Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists with International Participation “Innovations in Medicine and Pharmacy”. The conference was held at Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.

The students presented their research papers and won prizes, namely

Khrystyna Fediv, 2nd place in the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry section (project topic “Fluorescent dyes for determining the content of sulforaphane in plant extracts”);

Iryna Yatskiv and Ivanna Labych, 2nd place in the Medical Biology and Genetics section (project topic “Broccoli seedlings prevent experimentally induced obesity in mice”);

Dariia Dodon, 2nd place in the Medical Biology and Genetics section (project topic “Effects of broccoli sprouts and cafeteria diet on inflammatory markers and xenobiotic detoxification systems in mouse liver”);

Oksana Vasylyshyn and Marian Ivanochko (Ph.D. student), 3rd place in the Medical Biology and Genetics section (project topic “Modulation of some haematological parameters in mice after consumption of ‘cafeteria diet’ and broccoli sprouts”).