Our PhD student Oleh Demianchuk is awarded for participation in All-Ukrainian festival of education innovations: “Steam-Human for PEACE: The power of mind and good for humanity”

IV All-Ukrainian Festival of Educational Innovations “Steam-Humans for Peace” was held for several days in Ivano-Frankivsk. Our department took part in this performance. Young scientists of the department, PhD student Oleh Demianchuk and student Vladyslav Berezovsky, under the guidance of Professor Volodymyr Lushchak, presented the main scientific interests in the XXI century which we are studying. Oleh also conducted event for participants of festival at our department and demonstrated methods which are widely used in research laboratories.
Oleh Demianchuk was awarded a diploma from the Department of Education and Science of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council for the high level of presentation of the Steam Project.