Precarpathian University is a leader among the HEI of Ivano-Frankivsk and the region

Precarpathian National University is an example of a higher education institution that is deservedly considered to be a leader among its competitors in the region. According to the “” rating, the University took the leading position among the higher education institutions of Ivano-Frankivsk and Ivano-Frankivsk region, as well as the 7th place among the best higher education institutions in the Western region of Ukraine.

🔎 One of the key areas is to support research and innovation among the university community, create laboratories and research centres, participate in projects, and cooperate with international partners.

🏆Our achievement did not go unnoticed. From year to year, we are rising in the rankings by indicators.

✅ 5th place – SciMago Institutions Rankings 2023

✅ 7th place – U-Multirank 2022

✅ 10th place – Scopus ranking of Ukrainian educational institutions 2023

✅ 10th place – UniRank University Ranking 2023

✅ 14th place – Webometrics Ranking of World Universities 2023

✅ 17th place – TOP-200 Ukraine 2022

✅ 23rd place – Consolidated University Ranking 2022

We are grateful to the entire scientific community, thanks to which we have the opportunity to observe achievements in education, science and innovation, and the opportunity to change the approach to education and scientific activity.