Annual internal student conference was held

On April 1–5, an annual internal student conference was held at Precarpathian University. On April 3, the teachers, staff, students and Ph.D. students of our department presented their research and developments. The majority of the reports were devoted to the problems of obesity or aging.

On April 4, our students presented their works. The topics of the students’ papers were very diverse. At the end of all the presentations, a secret ballot was held between teachers and students for the best oral presentations.

Three winners were selected, namely

Dariia Dodon with her work “Effects of broccoli sprouts and cafeteria diet on the expression of inflammatory markers, xenobiotic detoxification systems and metabolic regulators in mouse liver”;

Yelyzaveta Mysliuk with her work “Immunohistological analysis of mouse brain: experience of a German laboratory and our capabilities”;

Taisiia Kindrat with her work “Solvatochromic dyes for the detection of amyloid fibrils”.