Congratulations to Associate Professor Dmytro Gospodaryov on the closing of the Research Topic in the journal Frontiers in Genetics and the Editorial that summarizes the key findings of the series’ articles

The Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology greets Dmytro Gospodaryov on the publication of the Editorial in the journal Frontiers in Genetics (impact factor – 4.772, second quartile (Q2) in the fields of Genetics and Molecular Medicine). The article presents the Research Topic “Energy-Producing Organelles and the Nucleus: A Phenomenal Genomic Friendship”, devoted to the interaction between the nuclear genome and the genomes of mitochondria and chloroplasts. The series was launched in 2020. The co-editors of the series were researchers from Great Britain, the United States of America, Finland and Australia. The series includes seven articles devoted to various aspects of the interaction between nuclear, mitochondrial, and plastid genes.