Excursion at the department as part of the “Biodesign Technology” project

On February 7, the head of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Professor Maria Bailyak, and Associate Professors Viktor Husak
and Dmytro Gospodaryov, were happy to conduct a tour of the Department for all those interested at the request of the Promprylad team, to talk
about the past, present and future work at the Department, prospects for the development of biotechnology, developments, achievements, equipment
and personnel. Guests of the department were private entrepreneurs, scientists and famous fashion designers, in particular Lyubov Chernikova
and Daryna Tsapenko. The guests of the department were shown modern equipment, thermostatic rooms for fruit flies, a microbiological laboratory
with a sterile box for work with microorganisms and cell cultures, vivariums and a laboratory for microclonal propagation of plants.